Hello July: Your time to bloom and thrive

Ready to embrace all the new month has to offer? 🌸✨

Hello July! 🌼

As the sun warms your days, it’s the perfect opportunity to nourish your body and not only bloom, enjoying this time of year, but to also pop some health reserves into the bank for when the autumn and winter return.

Think of July as your perfect opportunity to recharge your batteries, top up your reserves and nourish you body 🔋

 Nourishing Your Body This July

Sunshine and Vitamin D

July SHOULD bring longer days and abundant sunshine. Exposure to natural sunlight boosts vitamin D production in your body and helps to build-up a store for the winter months.

Vitamin D is essential for bone health, immune function, and overall well-being. Low levels of Vitamin D have been linked to seasonal mood disorders so use this time to build up your reserves.

You get very little of your vitamin D supplies from food so it is essential to build up your vitamin D reserves in the summer to be used in the winter months.

The guidelines are 10-30 minutes sun exposure around midday several days a week. Exposing your forearms, face and neck area.

Seasonal Fruits and Veggies

July sees an abundance of fresh produce. Juicy berries, crisp cucumbers and vibrant tomatoes are in season.

These colourful fruits and vegetables provide essential nutrients, antioxidants and hydration.

Mother nature cleverly provides the foods you need at the right time to support seasonal demands and illnesses so incorporate them into your meals for a nourishing boost 🥗

Mindful Eating

July picnics and barbecues can be fabulous, but mindful eating matters.

Savor each bite, listen to your hunger cues, and choose nourishing options.

Hydrate with water, herbal teas, and refreshing infused waters.

Remember, balance is key!

Prioritise Sleep

Longer daylight hours can sometimes disrupt your sleep patterns.

Create a calming bedtime routine, limit screen time before bed, and ensure you get quality rest.

Adequate sleep rejuvenates your body, is good for your health and mind.

Connect with Nature

July is perfect for nature walks, beach visits or stargazing. Nature has a healing effect on your well-being. Breathe in the fresh air, feel the grass beneath your feet, and let the natural world nourish your soul ☀️

There is lots of amazing research about why being in nature is important and what it does for your mental as well as your physical health.

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

Hotter temperatures mean increased water loss. Stay hydrated by sipping water throughout the day. Add mint or cucumber for a refreshing twist.

Proper hydration supports digestion, skin health, and overall vitality.

Feeling tired or a little bit grumpy .. try drinking some water!

Active Outdoors

Warmer weather invites us to move our bodies. Whether it’s a leisurely walk, a swim, or gardening, July encourages outdoor activity.

Regular exercise supports cardiovascular health, reduces stress, and enhances mood. Lace up those trainers and embrace the great outdoors!

Reflect and Set Intentions

As we enter the second half of the year, take time to reflect. What wellness goals do you have?

Set intentions for the months ahead. Whether it’s practicing gratitude, meditating, or learning a new skill, July is your ideal month to start something new.

Embrace Mindfulness:

July invites us to slow down and be present. Practice mindfulness—whether through meditation, journaling, or simply observing the world around you. Cultivate gratitude for the small joys that nourish your spirit

Whether it’s savouring wholesome meals made from seasonal produce, getting outside and being in nature more, or just finding joy in simple moments, July invites you to thrive now and bloom now with the bonus of build reserves in preparation for the winter ❄️

Do you want to unlock the secrets to a well-nourished life?

Email me ‘Nourish’ to find out more💫

Lesley xx