Nutrition and Lifestyle Course 2

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Are you heading towards the end of the year and you haven’t met some of the goals you set out to achieve at New Year?

Are you looking to make some nutrition and lifestyle changes but don’t know where to start?

Are you interested in an evidence based approach to nutrition?

Are you interested in making nutrition and lifestyle changes that are as unique as you?

Do you have 75-90 minutes to spare once a week for four weeks in November?

If so why not join the next Nutrition and Lifestyle course that I am running.

The group size is small and you will be with like minded people.

Each week we will cover different aspects of nutrition and lifestyle. There will be take home tasks to complete after each session which will assist you to assess where you are now and what changes you would like to make . You will be given a number of tools to help you start to focus on these changes.

Booking is essential, so if you are interested please get in touch as spaces are very limited.

Hopefully I will see you soon,

L xx

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