Vegan Avocado Brownie

A lovely client of mine wants to be able to take sweet goodies to her local knit and natter group but wants a healthier version of some of her favourites.

This brownie recipe has avocado as its source of fat and just under half a cup of sugar in the whole of the mix (approximately 9g of sugar per portion).

Basic recipe:

1/2 large avocado

1 cup + 2 tbs of nut or oat milk

1/4 cup of maple syrup

1/3 cup of coconut sugar

1/2 cacao powder

1 cup wholemeal spelt flour

1 tsp baking powder

1/2 tsp salt


Set oven to 180 c

Line a small brownie tin with greaseproof paper

In a food mixer blend the avocado with the wet ingredients

In a bowl sieve together all the dry ingredients

Add the wet mix into the dry and combine well


Add mix to the brownie tin

Here is where you can get creative and add extra ingredients as you like. To half the tin I added teaspoons of peanut butter and to the rest a mixture of chopped pecans, dark vegan chocolate and sour cherries

Bake for approximately 20 minutes to make a gooey brownie or 30 minutes if you like them more cakey

Leave them to stand in the tin for 15 minutes before cutting into 12 pieces

These brownies freeze well. I usually wrap two pieces in greaseproof paper and then foil so I can pop them in the oven to defrost and heat through

If you have a go at making them yourself I hope you enjoy them and I promise they look better in real life than in my photos !!

L x

P.S. I will be posting a vegan, gluten free, brownie recipe next week so please come back and take a look.
