I wasn't sure if I should post this or not


I wasn't sure if I should do this post here and on my social media accounts or not.

I have debated a hundred times if I should or shouldn't do it but in the end felt that I had to explain a little of why I have been extremely quiet here on my website and also across in any of the social media feeds that you may follow.

I have been missing in action for a while, TBA the last few months have become a bit of a blur so am not 100% sure when I last messaged you.

My mam came home for palliative care after a short stay in hospital just after mothers day. Mam is a Northern term of mother, I sometimes forget that we are not all based in the North East of England.

The loss of a loved one and their final weeks, just as they wanted at home surrounded by family, takes kindness and love from unexpected places.

Hats off to the amazing palliative care team and the carers that made this possible. There have been laughs and tears shared in equal measures, frantic phone calls and lots of cake. No one ever wanted a cuppa but a piece of cake always went down well - which is really fitting as my mam LOVED a bit of cake.

The teams that had resources delivered in record time - nothing a bother and being told off for not asking sooner. NO I didn't have a go on the stairlift but I still have the bruises to show I had to squeeze past it a hundred times a day.

Family, friends and neighbours that rallied round in the middle of a lockdown .. food left on the doorstep, flowers through the post, messages of love and reassurance. Even mini bars of chocolate wrapped up in tin foil from one of my elderly neighbours 'just in case your mam fancies a little treat' ♥♥♥

One ugly moment but I am sure that all families have a relative that they wish was related to someone else.

The last few months have been a rollercoaster but our mam got her wishes, was surrounded by love in her own home - lots of amazing people made this possible and as a family we are eternally grateful .

No dying twice here! Gone yes but not forgotten and always someone will say your name #mam

I hope you are not reading this with a heavy heart but use this time to take a moment to remember a loved one and say their name. Because although they might be gone they live on in your heart and thoughts.

I just wanted to let you know that over the next few weeks I will be getting back up to speed with things. I did have a few things in the pipeline that I will be dusting off and I am also going to use some time to think about the direction my work will be taking.

Take care,

L x