Bio-Kult Educational Grant

Today has been really eventful…

I was back at NCA York to be presented with a cheque from Bio-Kult.

I can’t believed how lucky I have been!!

I became aware of the competition just after I had covered the disordered eating module on my course. I was inspired by the work the tutor presenting this module was doing. Plus the whole subject area totally resonated with me and my own experiences.

I had began to look at further studies and courses that I could do once I had completed my MSc.

Anyway … to cut a long story very short … this grant means that I can access the course a year earlier than expected, I can share my findings with clients and I can also use if to support my thinking in MSc dissertation .. so a win/win!!

Thank you so much Bio-Kult for making this happen and the tutors and staff at NCA York for the inspiring work that they do :-)

L x