

Hi there :-),

I am Lesley, the Nutritional Therapist here at Nourish-Nutritional Therapy, and I just wanted to say a quick hello and welcome on the launch day of the website…’Hello and welcome : - ) ’.

I hope you like the website and can find what you are looking for. It has been good fun building it and I have been lucky enough to have the help of my talented little brother (otherwise, to be honest, it would still be in development!! I am not a technophobe but!! lol).

The site will grow and develop over the coming months so please feel free to keep popping back to the website to see what has changed and what is new.

So what can you expect from Nourish-Nutritional Therapy?

Regular blog posts on the following areas:

  • pro-tips: short blog posts with quick tips on various aspects of nutrition and lifestyle that you could easily fit into your everyday life.

  • have you seen this? short blog posts linked to new research that I think you might find interesting; new books/articles/podcasts that I have found that I think you might like; interesting new products and social media posts that I think you might not have seen.

  • recipes: I hope you like brownies, as there will be a number of these recipes shared before Christmas. I promise there will be some savoury recipes as well but they will be either vegetarian or vegan and where possible gluten free.

  • the 2 NT’s: longer blog posts covering a number of aspects of Nutritional Therapy that I will be discussing with other Nutritional Therapists.

  • the science behind it: longer blog posts exploring the evidence behind a number of current topics.

I have tried to be as detailed as I can about myself and the services I offer but if you have any queries please complete the contact section. I can give you a call back at a mutually convenient time and we can have a 15 minute consultation.

Looking forwards to hearing from you soon,

L x

Lesley Markey