Roasted Sweet Potato and Carrot Soup

This soup is super simple to make.

The carrots and sweet potatoes can be roasted ahead of time when you have the oven on cooking another meal.

By roasting the vegetables, rather than just adding them to the stock, you get another depth of flavour and I think it reduces some of the sweetness from these vegetables.

If you are in a hurry just clean and roughly chopped the vegetables … I like to keep the skin on the sweet potato anyway … a bit more fibre to the meal plus it seems to stop them going to complete mush!! :-)



Serves 5-6

500g sweet potatoes -peeled and cut into chunks

300g carrots - peeled and cut into chunks

3 tbsp olive oil

2 onions, finely chopped

2 garlic cloves, crushed

1lt vegetable stock

Heat oven to 220C.

Put the sweet potatoes and carrots into a large roasting tin, drizzled with 2 tbsp olive oil and a pinch of salt and pepper.

Roast the veg in the oven for 25-30 mins or until caramelised and tender, then set aside to cool.

Put 1 tbsp olive oil in a large deep saucepan and fry the onion over a medium-low heat for about 10 mins until softened.

Add the garlic cooking for 1 minute until becomes to soften.

Add the stock and simmer for 5-10 mins until the onions are very soft and translucent, then set aside.

Blend the onion mix with the sweet potato mix until smooth then return to the pan to reheat. 

Once hot serve. For added crunch added some toasted seeds.

If this soup is a bit think for your tastes just add more stock once it is blended.

This soup freezes well.

I hope you enjoy it :-)

L xx

One for now and one for later :-) Roasted Sweet Potato and Carrot Soup.

One for now and one for later :-) Roasted Sweet Potato and Carrot Soup.