Banana bread, loaf, cake or even muffins??

I am never really sure why banana bread is called banana bread and not banana cake …. surely it is a cake??

I have friends that serve theirs buttered! I am not sure about that .. but then again they don’t get my love of soreen with cheese lol

If you find yourself with a couple of banana’s that are past their best for eating then a banana bread, loaf, cake or even a muffin is a perfect way to use them up.

There are a couple of recipes I use depending on how many bananas I have and who they are for. The Deliciously Ella recipes are vegan and the one at the bottom of this post is vegetarian. I always tend to err on the side of caution if I don’t know who will be eating my baking and try to make vegan and gluten free when possible.

Deliciously Ella’s Apple and banana spelt breakfast muffins are totally moreish…. they are a favourite in the gym and even found their way onto the bus as a snack before the Great North Run. So they are perfect to transport around and have as they are or they also make a lovely breakfast with roasted apples and Greek yogurt.


This is the recipe I tried this weekend.

This recipe is vegetarian not vegan and based on a more traditional store cupboard ingredients e.g. caster sugar and plain flour.

As you can see from the picture it turned a beautiful golden brown colour in the oven.


2-3 very ripe bananas

1/3 cup of melted butter

1 teaspoon of baking soda

1 teaspoon of cinnamon

pinch of salt

1/2 cup of caster sugar

1 large egg, beaten

1 1/2 cups of plain flour

Heat the oven to 180C

Mash the bananas in a bowl.

Stir in the melted butter.

Mix in baking soda, salt and cinnamon.

Stir in the sugar and egg - mix until well combined.

Mix in the flour.

Put into a lined loaf tin (2lb) and bake for approximately 50 minutes (test with a skewer and it should come out clean).

Take out of the tin and allow to cool before slicing.


This is perfect to eat just as it is with a cuppa.

Or you could have it for breakfast with Greek Yogurt and some fruit.

Another great recipe is this one ..

another Deliciously Ella .. this time for a banana bread that included pecans for the perfect crunch.

I hope you enjoy :-)

L xx