An Early Christmas Gift or Three


Merry Christmas!! Well almost!

I am getting in the Christmas spirit and have an Early Christmas present or three for you.

That's right Santa has left a few little pressies over at Nourish NT HQ and there is something with your name on it!!


Firstly, my BRAND NEW recipe book - 10 recipes to soothe your menopause symptoms. These recipes have an ingredient in them that has been shown to support the reduction of menopause symptoms such as hot flashes, itchy skin or memory problems. They are either vegetarian or vegan tired and tested by myself and lots of my lovely clients - enjoy!!

Click here to get your copy.


Secondly, lets get these dates in your new diary and start 2021 as we mean to go on. Are you ready? 11th to 15th January. The Menopause Makeover 5 day Winter Challenge is going to supercharge your nutrition, establish some lifestyle goals and start to help you to make those changes so that you smash 2021!! Each day an email will drop into your inbox with all the details that you need.

Click here to get yourself on the list.


Thirdly, my sleep book - 6 simple actionable steps to an epic nights sleep after menopause. Struggling with sleep? This e-book will support you to make simple changes to get an epic nights sleep.

Click here to get your copy of the e-book.

I hope you enjoy your Christmas pressies, if you have any questions please drop me a line here.

HO HO HO Merry Christmas,

Lesley xx