Gut Health: Part 7

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Do you every really think about where your immunity comes from?

I don't think most of us do until something goes wrong and at the moment there is a big focus on what can we do support our immune system.

Our immune system is made up of cells and molecules that protect us from foreign bodies that our body recognised as a threat [1].

Our guts are the home to a huge community of bacteria. We have been growing and nurturing this community from birth.

We think of our gut as just being busy with the function of digestion, extraction of nutrients and detoxification [2]. ⠀

But around 70% [3] of our immune system is located in our gut therefore it is essential that we do as much as we can to support it.

When there is any imbalance or dysbiosis in the gut bacteria we are more likely to have issues with our ability to fight off these foreign bodies and it can also cause disease within the gut itself [4].

So what can you do to support your gut?

🌈eat as many different coloured fruits and vegetables as possible
🍎Include fibre 🌊keep well hydrated
🐛include probiotic foods
⏱avoid snacking or include time restricted eating
🍔avoid highly processed foods 🍰
🌳get outside 🐶get close to animals 🐱
💃exercise and have fun 🏋

If you would like to discuss ways to support your gut health please send me a message to arrange a free, no obligation, discovery call. Click the link HERE to organise your call.

L x




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