Gut Health: Parts 5 and 6

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Pooh....poo....poop....stools....faeces.... you get the idea!!

Doesn't real matter what you call it but it is surprising that many of us don't know a lot about one of the most basic functions of the body.

Not a very pleasant area to discuss but us nutritional therapists might seem a bit obsessed with the stuff.

Don't get me wrong .. I am not going to ask for you to bring a sample in a consultation nor am I going to put on a pair of gloves, a mask and have a little poke through the contents of a Tupperware container (those of you of a certain age will know what I am on about!!)

BUT it does tell us so much about the health of your guts and your immune system.

Go on, be honest now - do you check your pooh's? ⠀

What should you be looking for in a healthy pooh?

💩a medium to dark brown colour (that is bilirubin pigment for old red blood cells) 💩a sausage shape 1 or more pieces (that is the shape of your intestines) 💩a smell (that is the bacteria in the guts doing its job)
💩easy and pain free to pass
💩 soft to firm in texture 💩regularly for you (this varies from person to person from 3 times per day to 3 times a week)

The following are signs that there could be problems with your digestion
😷undigested food in your stools
😷greasy or shiny stools
😷clay coloured stools 😷mucus coating your stools
😷changes in your bowel habits

If you have any of the following please consult your GP as soon as you can
🥼 blood in your stools or black stools
🥼 looser stools for 3 weeks 🥼 pain in abdomen 🥼 persistent constipation 🥼 sudden and unexplained weight loss

If in any doubt please seek medical advice. The above is meant for educational purposes and is not an definitive list.


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Unfortunately, there are lots of things that can go wrong with this part of our digestive system.

Partly this is because the small and large intestine cover such a enormous surface area that is filled with lots of folds, nooks and crannies.

But also:
😧Genetics play a part and for many of us we are predisposed to having issues here
😧Food and lifestyle choices can cause stress, alter the digestive process or create an immune response
😧Infection causes an immune response
😧Medication can alter the gut microbiome

How to support the small and large intestine to do their jobs:
😍include both soluble and insoluble fibre in your diet 😍keep well hydrated
😍have a break between meals (3-4 hours is good)
😍include live probiotic foods like kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi (but not the pasteurised versions as this kills off the bacteria)
😍take gentle exercise
😍sleep ⠀⠀

With any recurring problems it is always best to seek medical advice in the first instance to work out what your problem is.

Nutritional Therapy can support you. I have had experience working with clients that have had SIBO, IBS-C, IBS-D, Crohn's, Colitis, diverticulitis, constipation, etc.

I now include gut testing as part of my some of 1 to 1 packages. If you would like to make your digestive problems a thing of the past then please get in touch NOW

Lesley xx