Mental Health Awareness Week 2020: Kindness

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This week is Mental Health Awareness week and the focus is on kindness.

With the focus firmly on kindness it is a great opportunity to be more kind to ourselves but also to indulge in a few random acts of kindness.

Are you up for doing a few random acts of kindness?

There are some simple things that can be done:

🤍arrange to watch a programme at the same time with a friend and video call while it is happening
🤍send a message to a friend you haven't heard from in a while
🤍leave a surprise gift on neighbours doorstop or even better push it through the door (they will never know it was you then)
🤍leave a rainbow stone or picture on your daily walk for someone else to find
🤍send a motivational message to someone you know is struggling
🤍share something you have .. either a resource or a skill 🤍ask if that person living on their own needs some shopping
🤍I bet you can come up with lots of your own ideas 🤍

Random acts of kindness strengthen our sense of belonging, makes a positive impact on ours and someone else's life, helps us to reflect on the good in our lives and helps with our mental health by reducing some of those stress hormones floating around our bodies.

@mentalhealthfoundation have lots of resources and ideas of how you can get involved.


I would love to hear if you have been on the receiving end of a random act of kindness and how that made you feel :-)

Have a great day and be kind to yourself.

Lesley x