Mental Health Awareness Week 2020: Mental Health and Gut Health

Mental Health and gut health is there a link_.png

What do you think about that statement?

I was just talking about this last week on some training I was delivering - the audience were split but the evidence is there to say that there are links between your gut health and your brain health.

The brain and the gut communicate via the vagus nerve - what is special about this nerve is that messages travel in both directions - so the brain and the gut both talk to each other.

The gut is an amazing thing!! It is teaming with bacteria, yeasts, viruses and protozoa - doesn't sound very nice does it? But theses bugs are essential for lots of processes in our body - immunity, hormone production, digestion, creation of vitamins, the list goes on.

Some of the hormones that support our mood are created in the gut. These are actually neurotransmitters but they are commonly known as hormones.

90% of our serotonin is produced here. Some of it is used in the gut to support digestion and our perception of pain but the rest of this 'happy hormone' supports our mood.

Around 50% of our dopamine is produced in the gut. Again part of its role is in digestion but it is also a 'feel good' hormone.

GABA is also produced by gut bacteria. This has a calming effect on the brain and It contributes to the ph balance of the gut.

It is therefore important to keep our guts happy. We can do this in lots of ways (and if you look back in my posts I have done a whole series on digestion and gut health - look for the posts on a blue background).

They like diversity so eat a range of different vegetables and fruits.
They like fibre some include foods such as asparagus, bananas, beans and lentil. They like fermented foods - but make sure these are unpasteurised - so think yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, and miso.

They don't like processed foods and sugars. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
If you are suffering from either digestive issues or mental health problems please seek support. There are lots of things that can be done to help and you don’t need to suffer on your own.

If you want to support your mental health by make your digestive issues a thing of the past then get in touch NOW to see how I can support you.

Take care

Lesley x