OMG Fully Online!!

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I forgot to say … how amiss of me … but all my services are now fully online.

In the midst of this pandemic it has given Nutritional Therapists like myself the opportunity to establish new ways of working.

I must admit I wondered how it would be. All my training involved working face to face with clients. My clinic have all been face to face, so have the small group programmes and the corporate workshops. Are you getting the idea … I usually work face to face.

So rather than just throw myself into the big world of online working and potentially have some massive tech glitches (I bet you know what I mean. You will have seen the YouTube clips!!) I have been immersed in learning.

I have completed some training on how to run online programmes. I have ran taster webinars. My Nutrition and lifestyle course has gone online. I have tested my consultation processes. I am in the middle of running a 14 day challenge on Facebook and have even ran a couple of corporate workshops.

I have absolutely loved it!! And guess what? It has worked just as well as working face to face. The beauty of working this way is that we can still see each other - ZOOM (other platforms are available ;-) ) has been revolutionary and we still see each other!!

The beauty of working this way is we don’t even need to all be in the same town as each other … we don’t even need to be in the same country!! My lovely challenge ladies can all meet together from North Yorkshire, Teesside, Durham and SCOTLAND .. no travelling, you can be eating your tea and joining in, you can be in your gym gear or PJs - throw a jumper on and no-one will every know!!

So … I have tested the waters, I have worked out the tech, and if you would like to find out more about how I can support you then hit the link HERE complete the short questionnaire and we can organise a discovery call to see how I can best support your health needs.

See you soon,

Lesley x