Is over styling and your hair care products contributing towards your menopause hair loss?

Is over styling and your hair care products contributing towards your menopause hair loss?

Ok, this is one that I am super guilty of doing. I like to rock a scruffy bun, I tend to drag a comb through my wet hair to detangle it and I have coloured my hair for over 30 years, I have beaten my curls into submission with straighteners NEVER for once thinking that this would all contribute towards hair loss at menopause.

Here are some basic tips if it's time to start thinking about being more kind to your hair PLUS something that might just shock you about the products you are using.

Look at how you are treating your hair:

⭐ Time to swap to a mild shampoo and a deep conditioner

⭐ Don’t brush/comb when wet

⭐ Ditch the ponytail or tight bun

⭐ Go easy with the straightening irons

Look at your products - are they gentle enough?

Are your products as natural as possible?

Are you guilty of serial hair dying?

NOW this one can be the SHOCKER!!

Some of the products you are using can be contributing to your hair loss because they contain chemicals that are hormone disruptors - this means that they get into your bloodstream and disrupt the normal hormone activity. Long term and consistent use can have high levels of these chemicals floating around your body causing havoc.

Time to start looking at what is in your products and making the swap. The think dirty app is a free resource that will help you to check your products for hidden nasties

Are you a swimmer? Time to think about about rocking a cap to protect your hair!!

Are your hair care habits contributing towards your hair loss?

If you are ready to make your menopause hair loss a thing of the past and feel more confident with your crowning glory then click the link NOW

Lesley xx