6 ways to support your digestion at menopause


As if there isn’t enough going on with your body during menopause! Hot flushes, night sweats and sudden weight again and now your guts not working properly to add into the mix!

Heartburn, indigestion, bloating, pain, wind, flatulence, diarrhoea, constipation and going off your favourite foods are all really common at menopause.

Some of the changes are linked to shifts in hormones BUT some of it is our body's way of just saying ‘ENOUGH messing about - get your diet and eating sorted!!’

However as much as we would love to think that our bodies will bounce back like they did in our 20’s and 30’s the likelihood is that you are more likely to struggle with digestive problems if you are continuing to not make time to eat properly.

The slides with this post will give you some simple ideas that have a MASSIVE impact in supporting your digestion.

Lots of digestive problems will disappear if you get the basics right - letting your body know that food is on its way, chewing your food properly and not rushing will all help with problems like heartburn, indigestion and bloating that happens quickly after eating.

What one way are you going to commit to supporting your digestion this week?

Please remember that if you are suffering from bloating or are worried about the changes in your digestion it is always recommended to check it out with your health professional.

If you are ready to make your digestive problems a thing of the past by understanding EXACTLY what is going on in your gut then get in touch now to find out more.

Lesley xx