You are what you absorb NOT what you eat

Here’s what you need to know if you want to give your digestion some love to ensure you help stop menopause symptoms 👇 (save this for later)

To make sure you are getting all those valuable nutrients from the foods you are eating it is important that you have good gut health and all parts of your digestive system are working properly.

Burping, bloating, acid, wind, grumblings and either rushing to the loo or not going for days are all signs that there is a problem somewhere in your digestive system.

Is poor digestion stopping you from getting the best from the food you eat? 🤔

Sorry to be a party 💩-per (see what I have done there 😉) BUT if your digestive system isn’t working properly you are not going to see the benefit of a good quality, highly nutritious diet.

But ‘we are what we eat!!’ I can hear you shout and yes you are completely right BUT this is only if you are able to absorb those nutrients.

We can see changes to our digestion at menopause - oestrogen and progesterone do have a part to play in eliminating waste foods from our systems BUT digestion starts well before the food hits our gut.

Every part of our digestive system needs to be working properly to get all those amazing nutrients from our food.

Get to the root cause of your digestive problems and then all those lovely nutrients found in the foods you eat will be extracted from your foods.

Having all the key nutrients means you have all the building blocks your body needs to work properly. Nutrient deficiencies can play a part in why you have some if your menopause symptoms.

What are you doing to ensure you’re showing your digestion the love it needs during menopause?

Check out my blog posts where I cover different aspects of digestion and if you are ready to make your digestive problems a thing of the past by fulling understanding what is going on in your gut then find out more HERE

Lesley xx