Mini Masterminds - gut health

Any of these sound familiar?

* waking in the morning with a sore throat and a cough that lasts until lunchtime?

* spicy foods, coffee, chocolate, beer or your favourite food causing you reflux?

* Gaviscon is your new best friend?

* you haven’t even finished your meal before indigestion kicks in?

* bloating or diarrhoea soon after eating?

These are all signs that there is something not quite right with your digestive system BUT don’t worry help is at hand.

Over the next 6 months I am hosting a series of Mini Masterminds that cover the basics .. each session will include lifestyle and nutritional advice to support the reduction of your symptoms.

First one kicks off on the 24th of September when I will be covering my 6 principles for Good Gut Health.

The sessions are an hour long over on Zoom and they will be recorded .. Septembers link is here

Not sure which Mini Mastermind is for you?

Drop me an email and I can guide you to the right session for you.

Can’t wait that long? Then drop me an email about working together 1 to 1.

Lesley xxx