Digestion Accredited Practitioner

It’s never too late to learn something new.
Over the past month or so I have had my head down and have been happily studying for a new accreditation.
I have been brushing off my digestive knowledge and discovering the latest ways to support clients with a whole range of digestive issues.

The course also covered how to carefully navigate supporting clients digestive system to get those most nutrients out of their foods when their PPIs are reducing their nutrient uptake and nutrition/lifestyle protocols for those people have had the go ahead to start removing their PPI by their GP and need guidance to heal their gut lining.
It’s been great to dive into the science (I’m a geek about all of this stuff ), learn something new and to explore different ways to support digestive health that fit beautifully with my holistic approach to health.
I’m excited to share what I have learnt and to support new clients with their gut health.
I'm going to host a series of Mini Masterminds starting at the end of this month.

I'm going to cover the most common digestive issues in bite size chunks.

I will share practical nutritional and lifestyle strategies to reduce your symptoms, protect the lining of your gut and help you to absorb the most nutrients from the foods you eat .. because if you have any digestive problems , however small, you are not going to get all the goodness from your food.

If any of the following sound familiar then you are going to want to jump on the relevant Mini Mastermind.
* waking in the morning with a sore throat and a cough that lasts until lunchtime
* spicy foods, coffee, chocolate, beer or your favourite food causing you acid reflux
* Gaviscon is your new best friend
* you haven’t even finished your meal before indigestion kicks in
* bloating or diarrhoea soon after eating
These are all signs that there is something not quite right with your digestive system  and it's time to take action.
I'm kicking off the series by sharing my 6 principles for good gut health which is the perfect starting point if you have any digestive problems as I will cover all the basics in this session.

If you are not sure which other Mini Mastermind is for you then send me a contact email and I can guide you to the right session.
Can’t wait that long ? Then drop me an email and we can chat about working together 1 to 1.
Take care and I will catch you soon.
Lesley xxx