Beetroot Soup

Beetroot has been used for decades for people with gallbladder issues and to support the liver. Raw beetroot is believed to thin and move bile supporting the breakdown of fats.

This tasty soup is perfect for those people who don’t like the idea of raw beetroot.

Beware it can be a bit messy to prepare.



Serves 3-4

250g or 1/2lb beetroot – grated (fresh or prepared vacuum packed but not pickled)

250g or 1/2lb tomatoes – halved or a tin of chopped tomatoes

1 clove of garlic – chopped ( a little more if you like)

1 small onion – chopped

1 tablespoon of olive oil

250ml stock

1 tablespoon tomato puree

Salt and pepper to taste

Place the halved tomatoes in an ovenproof dish. Add the garlic and drizzle over half the olive oil.
Roast them for 25-30 minutes at 190°C/375°F/Gas mark 5 until soft, sticky and charred.

Push through a sieve to remove the skin and pips. (If you don’t mind the skin and pips ignore this stage)

Heat the remaining oil in a pan and sweat the onion for a few minutes until soft.

Add the beetroot and the stock and bring to the boil.

Season lightly with salt and freshly ground black pepper.

Simmer gently for 7-10 minutes until the beetroot is tender.

Stir in the tomato purée.

Add to a blender and process until completely smooth.

Season to taste.

Reheat the soup until thoroughly hot but not boiling.

Divide between warm bowls.

Serve with crusty bread.

A little crumbled feta cheese or sour cream works beautifully in this soup.

If using tinned tomatoes

Heat the oil in a pan and sweat the onion for a few minutes until soft.

Add the beetroot, tinned tomatoes and the stock and bring to the boil.

Season lightly with salt and freshly ground black pepper.

Simmer gently for 7-10 minutes until the beetroot is tender.

Then continue as above.