Cherry and Chocolate Chip Cookies

I am always happiest in the kitchen .. creating, making and sharing .. oh, and eating!!

Like many of you I am addicted to buying cookbooks but notoriously I never have all the ingredients in!! I am not alone in this thou and when I did a quick poll over on Instagram 80% of you don’t stick to the recipes either!!

Cherry and Chocolate Chip Cookies

Cherry and Chocolate Chip Cookies

The launch of the new Delicious Ella cookbook , Quick and Easy, has seen a flood of these cookies on my social media feed plus the recipe stood out as one to try when looking through my copy of the book.

As usual I didn’t have all the ingredients so this is my twist … the addition of sour cherries, swops in sugars and milks.

These are delicious cookies .. slightly chewy, slightly crispy BUT packed with flavour!! I think these will be a slightly more robust version of this cookie.

They are simple to make and on this rainy bank holiday the perfect accompaniment to a cup of tea.


L xx

PS if you want to see the original recipe it is on page 190 of Quick and Easy.

Cherry and Chocolate Chip Cookie

Cherry and Chocolate Chip Cookie

How tempting!!

How tempting!!


5 tablespoons of coconut oil

2 tablespoons of chunky peanut butter

5 tablespoons of milk

50g demerara sugar

50g golden caster sugar

150g plain flour

1 teaspoon of baking powder

pinch of salt

50g 70% dark chocolate, cut into chunks

50g sour cherries, halved


Preheat the oven to 190C

Line two baking trays with parchment

In a small pan heat the coconut oil, peanut butter and milk until combined. Then leave to cool for a couple of minutes

Put all the dry ingredients in a bowl

Add the wet mix into the dry mix and combine completely

Roll tablespoons of the mix into small balls and then flatten on the baking tray. Leave space around them for them to grow while cooking

Bake for approximately 14 minutes or until a lovely golden colour and the mix looks dry in the middle

Now the difficult bit … leave on the tray to cool so that the cookie firms up

Once completely cold they can be stored in an airtight contain. Ella says they will last for up to a week BUT I am not sure they will survive that long in my house … the smell and taste delicious!!

Now to pop the kettle back on!!

Enjoy xx