Self-care and Technology: Why I won't be on social media after 8PM or every weekend

That’s a bit of a long title!! But I hope you get the idea, lol

This week I have had some great chats with clients and at the end of my #WednesdayWebinar about self-care, mobile technology, sleep and that 24:7 pull that technology has on us.

Some of the chat was in reaction to this image I posted on social media last weekend.

I am off for a digital detox.jpg

I try to post on social media every day but last weekend was a very special one (little sisters wedding) and I knew that I wouldn’t have time to post and respond so thought I better let everyone know I wasn’t around. Some followers are kind enough to check-up on me if I haven’t posted for a few days, how lovely is that!!

This one post has started people thinking about their social media use, if they ever switch off and is it ok to come off social media for a few days.


Why Tech free after 8PM?

Anyone that has worked with me knows that I always try to be tech free from around 8PM every night and it is one of my mantras for those people that I work with but being tech free from a whole weekend prompted lots of discussion.

I try and make sure that I have finished any work I am doing or responding to social media by 8PM, earlier if I can.

I made this decision when I was struggling with sleep and was researching how mobile technology alters your brains perception of what time of the day it is. So the mobile phone is left in the office with the laptop switched off and I have no tv in the bedroom. Drastic I hear you cry!

We seem to have glamorised being busy and technology can make us available 24:7. When you hear that notification ping do you feel drawn to have a look? How do you feel when you email someone - do you expect a rapid response?

Social media (and don’t get me wrong I love it!!) is soooooo tempting but it is very stimulating, addictive for many of use plus we can lose massive chunks of time looking through peoples posts on subjects that we may not always be interested in because we have fallen down the rabbit hole of scrolling. We can neglect to have any real self-care time because we have lost precious time to browsing.

Social media has filled a massive gap for many of us during lockdown and has helped us stay connected virtually but it can make us lose massive chunks of time, effects our brain chemistry and can make us anxious.

Do you find yourself scrolling through social media in the evening? Are you struggling with your sleep?

If so why not stop using social media after 8PM for a week and see how your sleep is.

I have a couple of posts on sleep if you want to look back at these they may help. They include Sleep: Why Sleep should be a priority and Sleep: Sleep routines and why they are important.

If you are interested in the science of sleep I would highly recommend ‘Why we Sleep’ by Prof Matthew Walker. This is a really accessible book.

Also, look out in the next few weeks for a webinar on sleep.

Social Media: the fear of missing out

Do you feel like you are missing out if you are not active on social media?

I must admit I follow various people because they keep me informed of what is going on in the world.

It can make you feel connected to family and friends you can’t see at the moment.

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The worry of letting people down

This was the biggest concern within the group. That by not posting or responding to posts of friends or colleagues they would be letting them down.

I know I have committed myself to various Pods or groups for a limited period of time to help mine and their social media skills grow. I take these commitments seriously but also I sometimes need a break.

But how do you think that those people would feel if they knew that you are wearing yourself out by always trying to be available?

Do you always need to be available?

When working do you put your out of office on when going on holiday?

Self-care and why it is important

You can not underestimate the power of self-care.

It is not a selfish act, it is an act of keeping us healthy and well.

As you grow older you will discover that you have two hands., one for helping yourself, the other for helping others.’ Maya Angelou

It is often said you can’t fill from an empty cup. Can you build some self-care into you daily routine?

What is Self-care?

Self-care can mean many things to many people but it can be summed up as talking the time to do somethings just for you.

This can involve:

  • a long soak in the bath (my favourite)

  • cooking your favourite meal

  • spending time with your favourite friend

  • devoting some time to your favourite hobby

  • being out in nature

  • doing your favourite exercise class

  • watching a film

  • painting your toe nails … hopefully you get the idea


Are you up for the challenge?

I am going to make taking a break from social media over the weekend on a regular basis. I am going to post my little highland cow picture on a Friday night and try not to peek until Monday. I am going to use the time I would be posting and scrolling to do some self-care activities for me and I am going to give my brain a little break from the stimulus.

Are you game? Can you go a whole weekend without looking at social media?

Tag me on social media when you put up your ‘off social media’ images … but I might not respond until Monday :-)

Lesley xx