The number 1 thing holding you back from achieving weight loss at menopause

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The #1 thing holding you back from achieving weight loss at menopause 👇

I talk with midlife women all day long who feel like their bodies are rebelling against them when it comes to reaching their dream weight now they’ve hit menopause.

I see it time and time again… women struggling to:
👉 hit their dream weight
👉 finally reach a weight that makes them feel super confident with how they look and feel about their body
👉 fit into their favourite clothes because they’re too tight
👉 have the confidence to get out in the world again and start doing the things that they once loved before the weight gain
👉 find an easy way of eating the right foods that fits with their lifestyle
👉 adopt a simple weight loss strategy that's not only sustainable and satisfying BUT doesn’t feel like a chore

AND … It usually comes down to THIS 👇

But before I tell you here’s what that is, let me take a guess …

You feel like you know longer understand your own body anymore. You don’t know how to maintain your perfect body weight now you’ve hit menopause?

You ask complete strangers in Menopause Facebook groups the best way to lose weight. You hope this will give you the fix to finally lose some weight?

BUT you just end up piling on more weight PLUS a roller coaster of even more unexplained menopause symptoms.

No wonder you feel like a hot mess and you’re trying every diet under the sun to get to your dream weight.

9/10 It comes down to this…

You’re not looking at ALL the changes that are happening with your hormones now you’ve hit menopause.

You’re just focusing on oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone. (clue: there's others that are just as important as these 3)!

If you're ready to finally stop jumping from one diet to the next, one Facebook group to another AND want to finally learn an easy sustainable way to lose weight AND keep it off..

The get yourself comfy and download a copy of my FREE masterclass HOW TO LOSE WEIGHT AT MENOPAUSE AND KEEP IT OFF!! and find out exactly how to make your menopause weight gain struggles a thing of the past.

Lesley xx