The ONE and ONLY thing I would be doing this JANUARY to improve my ENERGY if I was a post menopause woman
picture of the author in the number one
Before you feel the pressure of jumping on the latest diet fad or to start stuffing yourself with those supplements that Karen from down the street swears has improved her energy levels (and her libido 😉) I need you to tell me this ....
Do you know what is causing your energy
AND is there a pattern to when you're feeling so kn**kered?
If the answer is I DON'T KNOW then the only thing I would be doing if I was in your shoes this January would be really tracking my energy to find out what is going on.
YES, I know the New Year health hype can be exciting and the marketing of those fad diets and supplements enticing 🤩
Targeted diets are great and supplements can be really helpful if you know that they are meeting your bodies needs.
BUT if you don't know what's causing your lack of energy then fad diets and inappropriate supplements at the WORSE can make you feel more fatigued and at the BEST help you to make expressive pee 🫣
You need to know what is going on ..
question marks, an open notebook and a woman’s hand
… time to start tracking.
SO, what I am suggesting is that every day this month you make a quick note about your energy - how you feel when you wake up, if your energy dips at any point during the day, how exhausted or energised you feel before bed, etc .. you get the idea?
I'm suggesting the whole month to give you enough time and information so that you can look for patterns.
These patterns are your bodies clues to what you really need to do next 🥳 They will help you to pinpoint if it is your blood sugar regulation, your sleep, your stress or your lifestyle you need to be focusing on.
If you don't know where to start to track your energy then click the link to download a copy of the tracking tool I use with my clients.
Don't waste January second guessing what's causing your energy problems find out exactly whats going on so you can make a real difference🔋
Lesley xx